Key Benefits of ASDIP STEEL
– Quickly model your steel members with the simple and efficient graphical user interface.
– Confidently optimize your design and comply with design Code provisions.
– Impress clients and plan-checkers with professional condensed or detailed reports.
– Extensive documentation, solved examples, and blog posts to guide you throughout the software.
– Create, organize, manage, and store your electronic calculations safely.
– Base Plates and Anchorage – axial and biaxial bending loading including uplift.
– Steel Columns
– Steel or Composite Beams
– Shear Connections – single or double angle, single plate, or tees; bolted or welded.
– Moment Connections – flange-plated and welded-flange; bolted or welded.
– Customizable design criteria to specify camber, deflections, and shear studs.
– Design Manager will find all steel sections that meet the design criteria.
Base Plate and Anchorage Design Module Features:
Base plates are elements required at the end of columns to distribute the concentrated load of the column over a much larger area of the material that supports it. The design of column base plates involves two main considerations: One, spread the load so as to maintain the bearing pressures under the allowable values, and the second is with the connection, or anchorage, of the base plate and column to the concrete foundation.
The software performs the column steel base plate design resting on a concrete support and subjected to any combination of axial load and biaxial bending moments, including uplift loading. In addition, this program computes and checks the maximum bearing stress on the support, as well as the tension and shear forces per anchor rod. The column may be eccentrically placed on the concrete support. Base plates can be either rectangular or circular.
Steel and Composite Beam Design Module Features:
Beams are structural members that mostly work in bending and shear as a result of transverse loading. Other terms such as girders, joists, purlins, stringers, girts and lintels are often used. The compression flange, which is attached to the web in the plane of the beam, may or may not be laterally braced, thus the buckling concepts of compression members apply to beams as well.
Composite action is developed when two load-carrying structural elements, such as a concrete floor slab and its supporting steel beams, are integrally connected and deflect as a single unit. Since the concrete slab exists anyway and the shear connectors are inexpensive and easy to install, it is structurally advisable to use composite construction whenever possible.
ASDIP STEEL performs the steel or composite design for multi-span continuous beams, either interior or border, subjected to distributed and concentrated loads, as well as moments. Two overhangs may be modeled. The program computes the bending moments, shear forces, and vertical deflections per load combination, and compares them against the beam strength. The program computes the number and spacing of the shear studs or connectors required to develop either partial or full composite action, as well as the required camber.
This steel structural design software is based on the AISC ASD/LRFD methodology and calculates the shear and flexure strengths according to the AISC 360-16 Specifications (15th Ed. Manual). Load combinations per ASCE 7-05 or 10/16 or user-defined.
Steel Columns Design Module Features:
Columns are structural members that mostly work in compression and bending. Often buckling, or sudden bending as a result of instability, occurs prior to developing the full material strength.
This steel structural design software performs the steel column design, either sway or non-sway, subjected to axial load an biaxial moments, based on the AISC ASD or LRFD methodology. It checks the axial, bending and combined stresses according to the AISC 360-16 specifications (15th Ed. Manual). Load combinations per ASCE 7-05 or 10/16. The design may either include or ignore the AISC seismic provisions.
Depending whether the source of the loads is a first or a second order analysis, two procedures may be followed:
– Second Order Analysis – It considers the P-Delta and P-delta effects. No further amplification is required.
– Amplified First Order Analysis – In this case the software will calculate the amplified moments per the AISC Moment Magnification Method.
Shear Connections Design Module Features:
Shear connections are typically used to connect beams to other beams or columns. Such connections transfer shear, with minimum rotational restraint, as opposed to moment connections.
ASDIP STEEL structural design software performs the shear connection design subjected to vertical loads, based on the AISC ASD / LRFD methodology. It checks the limit states and design limitations according to the AISC 360-16 specifications (15th Ed. Manual). Either service or factored loads may be specified.
A typical shear connection is composed of three parts: support, connector, and beam. The support may be another beam or girder, a column flange, or a column web. The connector may be either bolted or welded to the support and to the beam. Typical connectors are single or double clip angles, single shear plates, or Tees. Beams can be connected also to HSS columns or HSS beams.
Moment Connections Design Module Features:
Moment connections are typically used to connect beams to columns rigidly. Such connections transfer bending moments, with full rotational restraint, as opposed to shear connections. Rigidly connected frames are able to resist lateral loads and deflections.
ASDIP STEEL structural design software performs the moment connection design of members subject to end moments, based on the AISC ASD or LRFD methodology. The vertical reactions are resisted by shear connections. It checks the limit states and design limitations according to the AISC 360-16 specifications (15th Ed. Manual). Either service or factored loads may be specified.
Web Openings Design Module Features:
Web openings can be used to utilities through beams, such as pipes and ducts, and thus help minimize the story height of multistory buildings. On the negative side, web openings can significantly reduce the shear and bending capacity of steel or composite beams.
ASDIP STEEL calculates the bending and shear capacities of the beam at the opening location, then it checks the interaction between bending and shear. If necessary, it designs the required reinforcement based on the AISC Design Guides #2, ASD or LRFD methodology. Either service or factored loads may be specified.