Here are some Key Features of ” AutoCAD “:
Experience enhanced automation with AutoCAD
AutoCAD software includes industry-specific toolsets, an improved connected experience across platforms and Autodesk products and new automations such as count.
Safely review and add feedback directly to a DWG file without altering the existing drawing.
Automate counting blocks or geometry with the COUNT command.
Send a controlled copy of your drawing to teammates and colleagues to access wherever they are.
Push to Autodesk Docs
Push your CAD drawing sheets as PDFs to Autodesk Docs from AutoCAD.
Floating windows
Pull away drawing windows to display side by side or on multiple monitors, in the same instance of AutoCAD.
Increased performance on 3D modelling
Performance enhancements
Experience faster performance, including when plotting and for 3D graphics.
More features:
Recent enhancements
Drawing history
Compare past and present versions of a drawing and see the evolution of your work.
Xref compare
Compare two versions of a DWG including from external references (Xrefs).
Blocks palette
View and access your blocks content from AutoCAD on desktop or within the AutoCAD web app.
Quick measure
Display all nearby measurements in a drawing simply by hovering your mouse.
Desktop view of a drawing overlaid with a dialogue box listing DWGs stored in the cloud with AutoCAD
Cloud storage connectivity
Access any DWG™ file in AutoCAD with Autodesk’s cloud, as well as with leading cloud storage providers.
AutoCAD any time, anywhere
Create, edit and view CAD drawings through your browser using the AutoCAD web app or through the AutoCAD mobile app.
2D drafting, drawing and annotation
Text settings
Create single or multi-line text (mtext) as a single text object. Format the text, columns and boundaries.
Create dimensions automatically. Pass the cursor over selected objects to get a preview before you create it.
Create leaders with a variety of content, including text or blocks. Easily format leader lines and define styles.
Centrelines and centre marks
Create and edit centrelines and centre marks that automatically move when you move the associated objects.
Create tables with data and symbols in rows and columns, apply formulas and link to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Revision clouds
Draw revision clouds around new changes in a drawing to quickly identify your updates.
Save views by name to easily return to a specific view for quick reference or for applying to lay out viewports.
Specify the size of your drawing sheet, add a title block and display multiple views of your model.
Use fields in text objects to display text that can be updated automatically as the field value changes.
Data linking
Enable simultaneous updates by creating a live link between a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and a table in your drawing.
Data extraction
Extract information from objects, blocks and attributes, including drawing information.
Dynamic blocks
Add flexibility and intelligence to your block references, including changing the shape, size or configuration.
Create and modify objects in circular or rectangular patterns or along a path.
Parametric constraints
Apply geometric and dimensional constraints to maintain relationships between drawing geometry.
Remove multiple unneeded objects at once with easy selection and object preview.
3D modelling and visualisation
Solid, surface and mesh modelling
Create realistic 3D models of your design using a combination of solid, surface and mesh modelling tools.
3D navigation (orbit, ViewCube, wheel)
Use 3D viewing and navigation tools to orbit, swivel, walk and fly around a 3D model to showcase your design.
Visual styles
Apply visual styles to control the display of edges, lighting and shading of your 3D model.
Section planes
Create section planes to display cross-sectional views through solids, surfaces, meshes or regions.
Apply lighting and materials to give your 3D models a realistic appearance and to help communicate your designs.
Cloud rendering
Render 3D models online without consuming processing power or disk space on your local computer.
Point clouds
Attach point cloud files acquired by 3D laser scanners or other technologies to use as a starting point for your designs.
Model documentation
Generate 2D drawings, including base, projected, section and detail views from 3D models.
PDF files
Share and reuse data from PDF files by importing, exporting or attaching them as underlays.
DGN files
Share and reuse data from DGN files by importing , exporting or attaching them as underlays.
DWG compare
Compare two versions of a drawing without leaving your current window.
Sheet sets
View, access, manage and plot multiple drawings as sheet sets.
Model references and import
Attach Navisworks models as underlays to your drawings, and import models from other applications.
Geographic location and online maps
Insert geographic location information into a drawing and display a map in the drawing from an online map service.
Installation and customisation
Simplified installer
Reduce the amount of time you spend setting up AutoCAD with faster and customisable installations.
Start tab
The new AutoCAD Start tab lets you easily access files and other helpful content directly from the home screen.
TrustedDWG technology
TrustedDWG™ technology alerts you to a possible incompatibility when a file was not last saved by Autodesk software.
CUI customisation
Customise the user interface to improve accessibility and reduce the number of steps for frequent tasks.
Secure load
Specify security restrictions for running executables in AutoCAD to help protect against malicious executable code.
Action recorder
Record commands and input values that can be played back as an action macro.
System variable monitor
Monitor current system variables against a preferred list of values. Notification balloons alert you to deviations.
CAD standards checker
Define and monitor CAD standards to maintain consistent styles for layers, linetypes, text and dimensions.
Application Programming Interface (API)
Control drawings and databases with ActiveX, VBS, AutoLisp, Visual LISP, ObjectARX, JavaScript and .NET.
What’s in AutoCAD 2025:
Discover insights and automations designed to accelerate your teams.
Activity Insights
Stay connected to data throughout your project lifecycle with details of multi-user activities in a DWG file. Be informed of relevant file changes and access with an activity log. Activity Insights helps bridge information gaps in your collaborative AutoCAD workflows.
Smart Blocks: Replacement
Quickly find the blocks you need and replace one or more blocks via machine learning-based suggestions, recently used blocks, and manual substitute block selection.
Smart Blocks: Placement
Automatically place blocks in your drawing in the right position and scale based on where you’ve inserted the same ones thus far in your DWG file, reducing the number of clicks required and saving you time in the process.
Markup Import and Markup Assist
Rapidly send and incorporate design feedback. Import feedback from printed paper via mobile or PDFs and add changes to your drawings automatically. AutoCAD uses machine learning to detect and execute certain instructions in markup text including “MOVE,” “COPY,” or “DELETE” commands.
Web Functionality
AutoCAD subscribers receive exclusive additional functionality in AutoCAD on the web, including AutoLISP API on the web and batch plot to PDF(s).
Publish settings window plotting DWG files to a PDF open in AutoCAD Web
Apple Silicon Native Support
AutoCAD for Mac 2025 now runs natively on Apple Silicon Mac machines (M1 and M2).